Al Berto, Uma Vida Errante (2017)
Al Berto, The Wandering Life
72 min
Realização: · Pedro Caldas
[Variations around the texts of the poet Al Berto (1948-1997) In Al Berto´s work, fiction and autobiography converge into a register of reciprocal contamination – as well as lyricism and narrativity. The poetry serves, to Al Berto, as a register and memory aid. Therefore, the view is so important in this work: the act of looking confuses itself here with the writings. Thefore, because Al Berto´s poetry is another way of looking, she calls, requests other images that complement the comprehension of the writings, or if they oppose it, then in this opposition, bring new meanings to the reading.]
Apoio Financeiro: · ICA · Câmara Municipal de Lisboa · Delegação Regional da Cultura do Alentejo · Câmara Municipal de Sines
Fotografia: · Leonardo Simões
Guarda-Roupa: · Pedro Caldas
Montagem: · Pedro Caldas
Produção: · Chiaroscuro
Produtora: · Ana Caldas
Realização: · Pedro Caldas