Dom Fradique (2017)


80 min


Realização:  ·  Zepe

Argumento:  ·  Regina Guimarães  ·  Cátia Salgueiro

A declining riverside port town lives under the rule of an abusive power.
The rulers oppress and silence a population of submissive Birds, who have lost their ability to sing or fly. An insurrection will rise, led by two twin cats and a few accomplices, whose different talents will prove determinant to the rebellion’s success. An initiatory journey upriver, leading to the encounter with the divine Aya at the heart of the forest, and the new friendship with Dom Fradique, the Philosopher Bird, will change the lives of the two cats and their hometown.

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#1]:
  • [Trailer]

Imagens [#2]:
  • ...

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