Chuva É Cantoria na Aldeia dos Mortos (2018)
The Dead And The Others
114 min
Realização: · João Salaviza · Renée Nader Messora
[A 15-year-old Krahô boy called by his dead father's voice to celebrate the funerary feast which will allow his father's spirit to depart to the village of the dead. Reluctant to embrace what this implies, a first step in becoming a shaman, he flees to the nearest town, inhabited by white people. Whether Western civilization will offer him any solutions to his problems is, however, another question.
This Brazilian docudrama about indigenous culture explores how ancient traditions have been destroyed by the government due to their lack of public policy for the indigenous lands.
Source: IMDB]
Mais informações: Website externo
Apoio Financeiro: · ICA
Co-Produção: · Material Bruto · Karõ Filmes [Portugal]
Produção: · O Som e a Fúria · ANCINE · EntreFilmes
Produtor: · Thiago Macêdo Correia · Ricardo Alves Jr.
Realização: · João Salaviza · Renée Nader Messora
[Fonte: Jornal Público]