Roda Lume (1969)


2m 50s

Curta-metragem   Experimental  

Realização:  ·  Ernesto de Melo e Castro

“Um impulso em direcção ao uso dos novos meios tecnológicos resultou na produção do meu primeiro videopoema – Roda Lume – a preto e branco, que consistia em formas geométricas animadas e palavras que foram previamente desenhadas à mão. A animação foi feita através da montagem directa na câmara, registando imagem após imagem com um corrector baseado no tempo. Primeiro foi feita um storyboard com a sequência imagética e o respectivo tempo. O som foi acrescentado no final como uma leitura fonética improvisada das imagens visuais. Fui eu que produzi pessoalmente o som.”
[Melo e Castro (S/D), Videopoetry]

[An impulse towards the use of new technological means resulting in the production of my firs videopoem — Roda Lume — in black and white, consisting of animated geometric shapes and letters that were previously hand drawn. The animation was made by direct editing on the camera, registering image after image with a time-based corrector. A storyboard was first made with image sequence and respective time. Sound was added afterwards as an improvised phonetic reading of the visual images. I produced the sound myself.
This videopoem was shown on a literary magazine on Portuguese television in the beginning of 1969 and it produced a scandal amongst the spectators. It was then destroyed by the official television station as it was regarded without any interest. Now I am told that it is probably the first videopoem made as such, and that it is different from the techniques and aesthetics of videoart. I kept the storyboard drawings and was able to make a new version of it in 1986. The sound track is different as I didn’t keep a recording of the original improvisation and had to make a new one from memory. The duration of this version is 2’58. In 1985, as a result of an opportunity given to me by the Portuguese Institute for Distance Learning (IPED) and later by the Open University of Lisbon, I was able to use television studios to explore the creative possibilities offered by the new electronic and digital equipment recently installed. As a result I devised the project Signagens (Signings) which I developed up to 1989.
This project intended first of all to investigate video possibilities as a new medium for reading poetry. It was meant to be used in Portuguese literature classes. Very soon I realized that intersemiotic translation of print-based visual and experimental poems was obvious, as video seemed to me a perfect medium for animation of letters and words. Then I produced a set of videopoems based almost exclusively on pre-existing poems from the ’60s. I used mostly poems of my own from the time.
[Melo e Castro, Videopoetry]

Mais informações: Website externo

Videos [#1]:
  • [Trailer]

Outras informações:
Outros videopoemas de Melo e Castro:
- As Fontes do Texto (The Fountains of the Text), 8’30” ;
- Sete Setas (Seven Arrows), 1’29” ;
- Sede Fuga (Thirst Escape), 1’23” ;
- Rede Teia Labirinto (Net Web Labyrinth), 2’12” ;
- Vibrações (Vibrations), 4’13” ;
- Um Furo no Universo (A Hole in the Universe), 2’ ;
- Come Fome (Eat Hunger) – 1’44”;
- Hipnotismo (Hypnosis) – 33” ;
- Ponto Sinal (Period Sign) - 3’55” ;
- Polígono Pessoal (Personal Polygon), 8’15” ;
- O Soneto, Oh! (The Sonnet, Oh!) – 5’34” ;
- Objectotem (Objectotem), 5’37” ;
- Escrita da Memória (Memory’s Writing), 2’14” ;
- Concretas Abstrações (Concrete Abstractions), 1’30” ;
- Dialuzando (Daylighting), 5’ ;
- Navegações Fractais (2001), 4' 15'' ;
- Pêndulo (1961-62)