Outras Cartas ou O Amor Inventado (2012)
Other Letters or The Invented Love
52 min
Realização: · Leonor Noivo
Argumento: · Leonor Noivo
[Other Letters or The Invented Love deals with the passionate book New Portuguese Letters, a collective work written by the authors known as the Three Marias in the 70s, as a pretext for a short cinematographic inventory about relationships and affection between people today and always.
The book is inspired by letters written by a nun in the seventeenth century and has a strong political dimension that creatively challenges the social and sexual roles.
The documentary crosses this literary legacy with different situations, contexts and interlocutors; and interweaves archive material from the court case after the authors were charged by the authorities with indecency when the book was published and a labyrinthine questioning about the nature of love.
"Recognizing that there are things that disturb always, regardless of time and its habits, whether pretext of war or pretext of peace, liberation or collective work, love or politics, passion or exercise, made me want to address this case also through the legacy of the Three Marias who have experienced it 40 years ago. From a circumstance or curiosity begins my research. A process or study to find the intagibility of an object that is always moving, never stops, in any time, in any life. We can not talk about it, just about its effects. Since it does not have absolute reach and its fragments are still lying around, unable to settle, yet being common the urgent need to understand it."]
Mais informações: Website externo
Argumento: · Leonor Noivo
Assistente de Realização: · Joana Cunha Ferreira · Isabel Dias Martins
Correção de Cor: · Paulo Américo
Direcção de Produção: · Joana Ferreira · João Matos
Imagem: · Leonor Noivo
Mistura de Som: · Elsa Ferreira
Montagem: · João Dias · Karen Akerman · João Braz
Música: · Antoniopedro
Produção: · C.R.I.M.
Produtor: · Christine Reeh · Isabel Machado · Joana Ferreira
Realização: · Leonor Noivo
Som: · Joana Pinho Neves
Texto: · Ligia Soares
Um processo ou um estudo para encontrar a intangibilidade de um objecto que está sempre em movimento, que nunca se detém, em nenhuma vida, em nenhuma época.
Não podemos falar sobre ele, apenas sobre o que ele faz. Sobre os seus efeitos (...).
[Fonte: Leonor Noivo]