Centro Histórico (2012)
Histórias do Cinema
89 min
Realização: · Pedro Costa · Manoel de Oliveira · Aki Kaurismäki · Víctor Erice
[In the northwest region of Portugal lies the ancient capital Guimarães.
As the birthplace of Portugal's first king, Afonso the 1st, the city is known as "The founding region of Portugal," and possesses a variety of historical structures that have been preserved. It has been acknowledged as a UNESCO World Heritage site called "Historic Center of Guimarães" and in 2012, was designated a European Capital of Culture which is supported by the European Union.
Various cultural events are held throughout the year in the city, and "Historic Center" is the film that was produced as a part of those events.
In the film, four preeminent contemporary European masters capture Guimarães from different aspects. It can be said that this invaluable omnibus film which obviously conveys the charms of the city, archives the respective styles of four masters as a single work. Aki KAURISMÄKI's "Tavern Man" portrays without dialogue the day-in-the-life of a man who works at a bar in a historic district of the city. The contrast of the classic bar's interior where time seems to have stopped with the modernized areas of the city that appear in the latter half of the film is fascinating. Pedro COSTA's "Sweet Exorcist" deals with the revolution of 1974 using a surrealistic setup. The protagonist is Ventura, a character who has appeared in "Colossal Youth" and other COSTA films. A participant in a coup d'tat by young commissioned officers, Ventura loses his way within the woods. Eventually, Ventura is admitted into a mental hospital where he has conversations with "ghosts" of the past in the hospital's elevator...
Victor ERICE's "Broken Windows" is a film about Rio Vizela, a textile factory which was founded in the mid-19th century and closed down in 2002. Former laborers visit the vacant site of the factory which at one time was principal to the European textile industry and share their memories from individual viewpoints. A photograph of the factory's dining hall from that era will have a tremendous affect on the audience who will be moved to tears.
Manoel de OLIVEIRA's "Conquered Conqueror" is a humorous film shot at Guimarães' fortress. A group of tourists march toward an imposing bronze statue of Afonso the 1st that stands before the fortress...
The film world premiered at the Rome International Film Festival.]
Mais informações: Website externo
2º Assistente de Realização: · Raquel Vidal [segmento O Conquistador Conquistado]
Assistente de Produção: · André Marques [segmento O Tasqueiro]
Assistente de Realização: · César Romero [segmento Vidros Partidos] · João Rodrigues (XII) [segmento Vidros Partidos]
Cinematografia: · Valentín Álvarez [segmento Vidros Partidos] · Pedro Costa [segmento Sweet Exorcist] · Timo Salminen [segmento O Tasqueiro]
Maquilhagem: · Bárbara Brandão [segmento Vidros Partidos]
Montagem: · Valérie Loiseleux [segmento O Conquistador Conquistado] · Aki Kaurismäki [segmento O Tasqueiro]
Montagem de Som: · Hugo Leitão [segmento Sweet Exorcist] · Daniel Peña [segmento Vidros Partidos]
Música Original: · Pedro Santos [segmento Vidros Partidos]
Produtor: · Aki Kaurismäki [segmento O Tasqueiro] · Rodrigo Areias
Produtor Executivo: · César Romero [segmento Vidros Partidos]
Realização: · Víctor Erice · Pedro Costa [segmento Sweet Exorcist] · Manoel de Oliveira · Aki Kaurismäki [segmento O Tasqueiro]
Som: · Olivier Blanc · Tero Malmberg [segmento O Tasqueiro]
Supervisão: · Eduardo Brito [de Textos em português]
Vestuário: · Ricardo Preto [segmento Vidros Partidos]
CENTRO HISTÓRICO é um colectivo de quatro curtas-metragens, reunindo quatro nomes fundamentais do cinema contemporâneo, os portugueses Manoel de Oliveira e Pedro Costa, o finlandês Aki Kaurismäki e o espanhol Victor Erice.
Guimarães 2012 fez a encomenda propondo a memória de Guimarães e do Vale do Ave como eixo da longa.
Fieis aos termos dos seus trabalhos, Kaurismaki, Costa, Erice e Oliveira filmaram O TASQUEIRO, SWEET EXORCIST, VIDROS PARTIDOS e O CONQUISTADOR CONQUISTADO.
O TASQUEIRO - de Aki Kaurismäki, com Ilkka Koivula, conta a história do solitário empregado de uma tasca esquecida pela clientela no centro histórico de Guimarães – 13 minutos / sem diálogos.
SWEET EXORCIST / Lamento da Vida Jovem - de Pedro Costa, com Ventura, António Santos e Manuel ‘Tito’ Furtado, dá a ver fantasmas de Ventura e de 1974 - 30 minutos.
VIDROS PARTIDOS - de Victor Erice, com Valdemar Santos, Amândio Martins, Henriqueta Oliveira fixa-se nos operários de uma fábrica de vidro inaugurada no século XIX e fechada em 2002 - 36 minutos.
O CONQUISTADOR CONQUISTADO - de Manoel de Oliveira, com Ricardo Trêpa, olha com humor a realidade da experiência turística contemporânea - 10 minutos.