Paul (2016)
71 min
Realização: · Marcelo Félix
Argumento: · Marcelo Félix
[There's a film subtitler. There's a film she must urgently subtitle. There's the plot of that film, with which she relates on a level that will remain enigmatic to us. And in that film within the film there's a main character, whose dreams are being devoured, and other characters, interested in dreams as well, but far more practical.
And there¹s music, and a promise of music.
Timelessly wandering through the world.]
Mais informações: Website externo
Apoio Financeiro: · ICA
Argumento: · Marcelo Félix
Fotografia: · João Pedro Plácido
Montagem: · Marcelo Félix
Música: · Sándor Veress · Rómulo Ferreira
Produção: · C.R.I.M.
Produtor: · Isabel Machado · Joana Ferreira
Realização: · Marcelo Félix
Som: · Rúben Costa
[Fonte: IndieLisboa]