Com o Passar dos Dias (2013)
As The Days Went By
Produção 2012
13 min
Realização: · Filipa Ruiz
Argumento: · Filipa Ruiz · Kasper Stegeman
[Hans is madly in love with Jenny and writes her a letter, but he doesn't have the courage to give it to her. Due to the release of his new book, Jenny comes to his house very often to share the news of his success. Having spent more time together, Hans finally gets the courage to go to Jenny's house and give her the letter that he had been holding for so long, only to be told that she does not share the same feelings towards him. This overwhelming amount of emotion serves as inspiration for his new book.
Written by Filipa Ruiz]
Argumento: · Kasper Stegeman · Filipa Ruiz
Desenho de Produção: · Sophia Jacques
Direcção de Arte: · Martina Bragadin
Direcção de Fotografia: · Joel San Juan
Montagem: · Laurene Addy
Montagem de Som: · André Do Audio
Produtor: · Filipa Ruiz
Realização: · Filipa Ruiz